About the Foundation
The TLC STARFISH Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that partners with charities to provide underserved children the opportunity to participate in a variety of summer camp, educational, recreational and wellness programs that would otherwise not be available. The TLC STARFISH Foundation strives to continually ‘Think Globally & Act Locally’ to truly make a difference in the lives of others.
Over the past 10 years, the Foundation has donated more than $8 million to worthy causes and close to $11.5 million in total since its inception in 1980.
The TLC STARFISH Foundation is supported by Timber Lake Camp, Timber Lake West, Tyler Hill Camp, North Shore Day Camp, North Shore Day School, Hampton Country Day Camp, Southampton Camp & Club, its full-time employees, and the Jacobs Family. Additionally, families enrolled with the TLC Family of Camps support the Foundation, with a portion of their paid tuition going directly to the Foundation.
The Foundation also works to transition the TLC Family of Camp’s STARFISH Values Program® from a two month summer experience to a year-round commitment for our campers and staff. The Foundation offers a variety of off-season events and programs for our campers to participate in while learning the importance of making a positive difference in the lives others.